
Dry Fruits Laddus for kids

                Let's welcome this  winter with yummiest laddu . As far as winter comes we mother start worrying about toddler's immunity dry fruit are healthy and full of vitamin in winter kids body needs to be warm dry fruit are laddu are best things Recepe: 3/4 cup- almond 3/4 cup- Cashwe 3/4 cup- pistachio (plane) 1/2 cup - dates, 1/2 cup - kishmish 1/2 cup - coconut powder 1/2 cup - suji 1/4 cup - ghee Dry roast all the dry fruit In a pan heat ghee and roast suji Grind dry fruits Add powder dry fruit and coconut powder  in pan and Roast for some time Add some suger if needed Mix well Let it cool for some time and make some cute small Laddus.

How to encourage kids to have healthy food and increase weight of toddlers

One of the most struggling task of parenting to encourage your toddler have food specially healthy food. Toddlers are picky eater you will surprise one day they have bananas and another day refuse to eat.  Most of the parent complain that their kid is not having his food or low weight. Jere are some tips so that your fussy eater kid turn in to a foody baby . 1 Home made food : feed your baby whatever you cook at home either it is sabji pararha or am rice anything by the age of 1.5 or 2 a kid can have light spices or I  cansay meal that you have I m not say feed him over spiceor teekha khana but at least I limit as the test you eat that can solve your problem of making special dish for him . Ya most of parents will say I can cook different for my baby if he wants but tell me for how long time when he or she will be  young that time it will be quite difficult for them to adjust with your taste. 2. Meal time should be only meal time: sometimes kid don't want to have meal that wa

How to make your toddler have milk

Beta " Please Have Your Milk" story of every mother.I remember When my time I was spending about45 min to  1 hr running behind my lo only to make him drink a cup of milk. Here are my tips and solution for this problem . As the milk is most important source of calcium and very necessary for kids but babies are babiesost of the babies doesn't like milk. First stage to introduce milk: In the starting don't give only milk. Give milk in semi solid form like you can give Bread or chapatti soaked in milk with a little sugar or palm sugar . Banana with milk is good idea from both sides heath as well weight issue. This are the things for toddler to introduce milk to toddler. Now let's go for the second stage : Give Luke warm milk to kids first giveluke warm  milk with sipper or if he or she is able to have with cup but if he doesn't like it you can add some sugar also. 1. Try some flavors: Kids are love to test different kind of flavors if your child don

How to raise a happy child

Happiness is the best thing to have in life . It is the only thing that you can't earn but learn. Happiness is the best thing that a parent can teach to there children. In the journey of being parent and seeing other children.  I had  learned many things to raise a baby happy and  healthy . 1. Get connected: Babies above 6 months are able to interact there feelings by the means of facial expressions try to learn them. Kids at the age n 1-2 yr supper active talk to them share your day or routine with them. One of the best way to connect with baby is playing with them . You can pick anything that your baby enjoy it can either a ball or a retale.  Baby more then 2 yr you can play his favorite game or can do things which he likes e.g painting, dancing etc. 2.Raise child technology free: I know it sounds stupid but read it twice technology free means try to play more outside games or Indore board games it will surely help you to make a bond between you and kids. And also mak

Immunity booster

For new parent of small kids its not easy to manage things with kids. infant and toddler are easy target of dicesas and germs herwcare some tips to improve inner body system to fight against bad bacteria. As said eat healthy stay healthy .here are some food to add in daily meal to improve your immunity. 1curd / yoghurt: one cup curd everyday keeps the stomach and throat problem away. Curd contain lectobaecus bectria which hepls us to fight against bad germs. Curd also lowers the heat in body. 2. Dry fruit: dry fruits are the best source of vitamin which not only improve inner system but also increase oil in-between joint of body . 3 green vegetables:  green vegetables are the best source of minerals vitamin and iron. Green veggies has antioxidant properties. Iron improve himoglobin level. 4