How to make your toddler have milk

Beta "Please Have Your Milk" story of every mother.I remember When my time I was spending about45 min to  1 hr running behind my lo only to make him drink a cup of milk. Here are my tips and solution for this problem .
As the milk is most important source of calcium and very necessary for kids but babies are babiesost of the babies doesn't like milk.

First stage to introduce milk:
In the starting don't give only milk. Give milk in semi solid form like you can give
Bread or chapatti soaked in milk with a little sugar or palm sugar .
Banana with milk is good idea from both sides heath as well weight issue.
This are the things for toddler to introduce milk to toddler.
Now let's go for the second stage :
Give Luke warm milk to kids first giveluke warm  milk with sipper or if he or she is able to have with cup but if he doesn't like it you can add some sugar also.
1. Try some flavors:
Kids are love to test different kind of flavors if your child don't want to have milk you can try some flavor in milk to make it more testy and healthy.
Termeric and Ginger the combo works best to immunize your child as well testy to in my case my lo is fan of haldi dudh
In fact he has given it a name of Haldiram's Milk whenever he refuses to have milk I give him this and cup is empty in few minutes.
You can try many thing like almond, or other dry fruits that baby can have if any want just comment me I can give you the recipe

2. Presentation works :
As you baby like colors and toddlers can understand things at some level. Feed them inthere favorite cartoon mug or sipper.
Babies love it in my case it work the best and try to change .
3. Fouce can go wrong ,: 
I have seen most of the parent punish or hold kids tightly to make them drink milk trust me friends it not a good idea .
Try some tricks like distraction or playing by the time you are feeding him .
4. Jiously is the secret weapon:
As we know babies are overprotective for there things they are a big competitors also with there elder once. Just have there and tell her that if your not going to finish it didi or bhaiya will finish it and act like your giving her milk sure she will come and finish ate milk
In case you are alone at home you can try this with his or her toys . trust me guys it works not only with milk but food also vanish in seconds.
At last thing I want tell if  your baby is having any kind of allergy or issue with milk or dairy products don't force . my be he or she is going through lactose intolerance check it once.


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